Another day for an IT guy. Lots of monitoring, checking and troubleshooting issues related to computer. One issue i encountered for this day is the issue of a sccm client not reporting to the sccm server. I did some troubleshooting and here are the list of what i have done to fix the issue.
Option 1:
1. check for the sccm logs located in \\machine_name\c$\windows\system32\ccm\logs
2. Restart the PC
3. Access the machine via SCCM Client Center
4. Navigate to Agent Actions Tab located in the lower right portion of the SCCM Client Center
5.Among the tabs, click the Delete root\ccm button. Deleting the root\ccm will let the sccm client go back to the provisioning mode and will redownload all policies for the machine. It will look look you were reinstalling the client itself.
6.Monitor untill the configuration manager applet located in Control Panel will be completed and all tabs are available.
7. Lastly, Access the configuration Manager Applet and don't forget to trigger all the actions content in the Actions Tab
Option 2: Option 1:
1. check for the sccm logs located in \\machine_name\c$\windows\system32\ccm\logs
2. Restart the PC
3. Access the machine via SCCM Client Center
4. Navigate to Agent Actions Tab located in the lower right portion of the SCCM Client Center
5.Among the tabs, click the Delete root\ccm button. Deleting the root\ccm will let the sccm client go back to the provisioning mode and will redownload all policies for the machine. It will look look you were reinstalling the client itself.
6.Monitor untill the configuration manager applet located in Control Panel will be completed and all tabs are available.
7. Lastly, Access the configuration Manager Applet and don't forget to trigger all the actions content in the Actions Tab
You can try another option for your to have this work. You can also try another option by uninstalling the client itself and then reinstalling. You can uninstall the client in just 1, 2, 3
1.Go to Start > Run and type CMD
2.Access the location of the ccmsetup.exe by going to this folder location C:\Windows\System32\ccmsetup then type ccmsetup.exe /uninstall
3. Wait until the ccmsetup.exe disappear from the processes in the task manager,then restart your computer.
After Restarting, you can now proceed in installing the sccm client. Reinstalling is also easy as 1 2 3.
1. Go to Start > Run then type CMD for command prompt
2. Navigate to the location of the installer, for example below, the installer is locate in the C:\windows\temp\ccm folder.I have also inputted the SMSSITECODE=test below to directly connect to the server.
C:\Windows\Temp\CCM\ccmsetup.exe /source:%windir%\temp\ccm SMSSITECODE=test
3. Check for the configuration manager located in Control Panel, if the tabs and all informations are already complete.
That's all for now. Happy troubleshooting :)
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