Showing posts with label command prompt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label command prompt. Show all posts

How to transfer result of command in CMD to a txt file

Command prompt is a windows based tool that is used to interpret command -lines in windows operationg system. For Linux or Unix based Operating systems, they are same called as Terminal.
Here i will show you a simple command that will transfer results from command line inputted on the Command Prompt or simply called CMD. This is command is a simple one, easily learned and very usefull especially when displaying a long result from the CMD. As we all know, the command prompt has a break when displaying a result, so you will not able to view all the result as one. Example of a long report is the systeminfo command executed in CMD. This will display all the systems information of your machine including the Windows Updates installed. Here is the syntax.

C:\> <command> >> <destination>

To save the result of ipconfig /all command in CMD to a text file, just simply type:

C:\>ipconfig /all >> C:\result.txt

To save the result of systeminfo command in CMD to a text file, just simply type

C:\>systeminfo >> C:\Result.txt

Hope this will help. :})

How to Fix Issue/Error Encountered when performing System Restore

One morning, you check on your PC and found out that it was corrupted by malwares,etc. Now you need to perform the System Restore but it's prompting you an error. I am sharing you this troubleshooting I've done in order to fix the issue on System Restore. I know that there is a lot of fix for the System Restore issue and i'm sharing you one of them.

1. First, Go to Run > RUN and type CMD, the command prompt will show but remember that you should be logged in as local administrator of the machine
2. We will check first if the system files of your computer was previously changed or manipulated.
Type this command to the command prompt.

sfc /scannow

 This command will examine or check the system integrity of your computer's system files.

How to Access Command Prompt in different ways.

Command prompt is a windows utility that is simply a command line interpreter. It can found on Windows Operating System. For MacOSx and Linux based Operating system their command line interpreter is called terminal.
Sharing you the ways that i know on how to open or access the command prompt.

1. Go to Start > Run, and simply type CMD or command

2. Go to C:\Windows\system32 directory and look for CMD

3. Open the task manager and simply go to File > New task then type CMD

4. Open task manager and simply go to file > New task while holding the CTRL key on your keyboard

How to reset firewall settings via CMD

From the previous post, here is another way how to enable/reset firewall settings.

1. Open Run and type the following

Launch firewall applet from Control Panel, and see if you're able to configure the Windows Firewall settings.

If the above steps do not help, as a last resort solution (before attempting to reinstall the Service Pack), give the following commands a try:

2. Click Start, Run and type:

rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection Ndi-Steelhead 132 %windir%\inf\netrass.inf

The above command repaired most of the Windows Firewall settings. After running the above command, restart Windows and then run the following: