Showing posts with label computer peripherals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computer peripherals. Show all posts

How to fix issues on stuck Keyboards

Another day has come,lot of works etc. While you were working and typing,suddenly the keyboard keys, for example you press E and all another window will appear, maybe explorer window. This means that your keyboard keys,or some of it, are hang which is like pressing a shortcut key. I will share you a simple troubleshooting to fix this issue.

Just keep pressing the CTRL,Shift,ALT and the Windows Button simultaneously and if that doesn't work. Try to see if there is a keyboard key that was stuck or you can also press Windows+D twice to minimize all open windows and maximize it again.

Hoping It will help on your part. :)

A Computer will not work without Peripherals

A peripheral is a device connected to a computer but is not a part of it. It is often, but not always, partially or completely dependent on the host.

Let me give you the three categories for it.