Showing posts with label CreationDate. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CreationDate. Show all posts

Simple Command to show the date when the program was created

I would like to share a simple command using the WMIC components in windows operating systems. First, we define WMIC. WMIC stands for Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line. It is a powerful tool which uses the power of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to enable systems management from the command line.

Here is a sample command in checking the running internet explorer process:

wmic process get Caption,ProcessID,CreationDate | findstr "iexplorer.exe"


For the creation Date Breakdown:

      |-> Date the program executed

     |            |-> Milliseconds
     |->Time (hour,minute and seconds)

    |->represents the difference, in minutes, between the local time zone and Greenwich Mean Time