Showing posts with label WMIC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WMIC. Show all posts

Simple Command to show the date when the program was created

I would like to share a simple command using the WMIC components in windows operating systems. First, we define WMIC. WMIC stands for Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line. It is a powerful tool which uses the power of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to enable systems management from the command line.

Here is a sample command in checking the running internet explorer process:

wmic process get Caption,ProcessID,CreationDate | findstr "iexplorer.exe"


For the creation Date Breakdown:

      |-> Date the program executed

     |            |-> Milliseconds
     |->Time (hour,minute and seconds)

    |->represents the difference, in minutes, between the local time zone and Greenwich Mean Time


How to Get the Serial Number of a Computer

A serial number is a unique code assigned for an identification of a single unit. It is a combination of a Letters and numeric characters. I would like to show you a simple command from the Command Prompt to check  for the serial number of your computer. Here are the steps on how to do it.

1. Open your command prompt by going to Start > Run , then type CMD
2. Input the command below:
    C:\> wmic bios get SerialNumber

See screenshot below.

WMIC stands for Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line. According to Microsoft, The Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line (WMIC) is a command-line and scripting interface that simplifies the use of Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and systems managed through WMI.

For more information on how to manage WMI, you can refer to the link below.