How to fix issues on stuck Keyboards

Another day has come,lot of works etc. While you were working and typing,suddenly the keyboard keys, for example you press E and all another window will appear, maybe explorer window. This means that your keyboard keys,or some of it, are hang which is like pressing a shortcut key. I will share you a simple troubleshooting to fix this issue.

Just keep pressing the CTRL,Shift,ALT and the Windows Button simultaneously and if that doesn't work. Try to see if there is a keyboard key that was stuck or you can also press Windows+D twice to minimize all open windows and maximize it again.

Hoping It will help on your part. :)

How to Fix Issue/Error Encountered when performing System Restore

One morning, you check on your PC and found out that it was corrupted by malwares,etc. Now you need to perform the System Restore but it's prompting you an error. I am sharing you this troubleshooting I've done in order to fix the issue on System Restore. I know that there is a lot of fix for the System Restore issue and i'm sharing you one of them.

1. First, Go to Run > RUN and type CMD, the command prompt will show but remember that you should be logged in as local administrator of the machine
2. We will check first if the system files of your computer was previously changed or manipulated.
Type this command to the command prompt.

sfc /scannow

 This command will examine or check the system integrity of your computer's system files.

How to Access Command Prompt in different ways.

Command prompt is a windows utility that is simply a command line interpreter. It can found on Windows Operating System. For MacOSx and Linux based Operating system their command line interpreter is called terminal.
Sharing you the ways that i know on how to open or access the command prompt.

1. Go to Start > Run, and simply type CMD or command

2. Go to C:\Windows\system32 directory and look for CMD

3. Open the task manager and simply go to File > New task then type CMD

4. Open task manager and simply go to file > New task while holding the CTRL key on your keyboard

How to fix issue on MS Outlook 2010, email is staying in the Outbox

Another issue i encountered for today is about the user encountering an error with her outlook. The version of her outlook is MS Outlook 2010. Her outlook is connected to the exchange server. Sharing you the troubleshooting i have done to fix the issue.

1. I checked the error encountered by the user by clicking the Send / Receive tab then Show Progress on her MS Outlook I have seen an error pertaining to Mailbox reached his limit...
2. So what i did is I checked the folder size by right clicking her mailbox ( located at the left pane of her outlook, then choose Data File Properties. Click the Folder Size Button and it will display you the total size of the mailbox

Note: That image above is not the actual size of the users mailbox, i just showed you the folder size properties.
3. As per checking the folder size, the size has not yet reached the maximum allowed which is contradicting with error received. Therefore, what i did is that, i go the File Menu, then click the Account Settings > Account Settings
An email account setting will be displayed.
4. Double Click the email address under the email Tab and a Server Setting Window will appear.As seen below
5.Remove the check on the "Use Cached Exchange Mode" checkbox.
6.After removing the check, close the Microsoft Outlook to apply the changes.
7. The Open Again the MS Outlook 2010 and Do Number 4. But this time, return the check on the "Use Cached Exchange Mode"
8. After doing that, close again the MS Outlook and re-open.

How to disable Policy on the machine remotely

Sharing you this simple command to disable computer local and user policy over the network. There are many ways to do this but i will give you one of it. This is only applicable for windows operating system such as windows XP, windows 7, Windows Server 2003.

1. Go to Start > Run and type gpedit.msc /gpcomputer: "computer_name" (without the quote").
2. After that a gpedit.msc applet will prompt you connected to the machine you are accessing.
Click the Local Computer Policy, then click Action and choose properties.
3. A local computer Policy Properties will open, then just put a check mark on the following
    -Disable Computer Configuration settings
    -Disable User Configuration settings
4. After that click Apply then OK.

Please note that in order the changes to take effect, you need to either restart the computer remotely or you can force apply the changes without restarting. Just simply type this in the command prompt of the machine you are remotely connected.

gpupdate /force

SCCM Client not Reporting to the SCCM Server

Another day for an IT guy. Lots of monitoring, checking and troubleshooting issues related to computer. One issue i encountered for this day is the issue of a sccm client not reporting to the sccm server. I did some troubleshooting and here are the list of what i have done to fix the issue.

Option 1:
1. check for the sccm logs located in \\machine_name\c$\windows\system32\ccm\logs
2. Restart the PC
3. Access the machine via SCCM Client Center
4. Navigate to Agent Actions Tab located in the lower right portion of the SCCM Client Center
5.Among the tabs, click the Delete root\ccm button. Deleting the root\ccm will let the sccm client go back to the provisioning mode and will redownload all policies for the machine. It will look look you were reinstalling the client itself.
6.Monitor untill the configuration manager applet located in Control Panel will be completed and all tabs are available.
7. Lastly, Access the configuration Manager Applet and don't forget to trigger all the actions content in the Actions Tab

Option 2:
You can try another option for your to have this work. You can also try another option by uninstalling the client itself and then reinstalling. You can uninstall the client in just 1, 2, 3
1.Go to Start > Run and type CMD
2.Access the location of the ccmsetup.exe by going to this folder location C:\Windows\System32\ccmsetup then type ccmsetup.exe /uninstall
3. Wait until the ccmsetup.exe disappear from the processes in the task manager,then restart your computer.

After Restarting, you can now proceed in installing the sccm client. Reinstalling is also easy as 1 2 3.
1. Go to Start > Run then type CMD for command prompt
2. Navigate to the location of the installer, for example below, the installer is locate in the C:\windows\temp\ccm folder.I have also inputted the SMSSITECODE=test below to directly connect to the server.
C:\Windows\Temp\CCM\ccmsetup.exe /source:%windir%\temp\ccm SMSSITECODE=test
3. Check for the configuration manager located in Control Panel, if the tabs and all informations are already complete.

That's all for now. Happy troubleshooting :)

How to setup a computer connection to DHCP via Command prompt

First, We define DHCP. DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It is a network protocol that let the devices communicate with each other via Internet Protocol(IP). This is implemented in the server to easily distribute IP address on the computers connected to the network. The computer will have their IP address automatically If the computers Local Area Connection Internet Protocol is configured to Obtain an IP address automatically.

In order for us to configured a Local Area connection of a computer ti have it DHCP enabled is by the following command below.

netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" dhcp
netsh interface ip set dns "Local Area Connection" dhcp

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /flushdns
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /registerdns

You can create a batch file or run it in command prompt whichever you preferred.

How to reset firewall settings via CMD

From the previous post, here is another way how to enable/reset firewall settings.

1. Open Run and type the following

Launch firewall applet from Control Panel, and see if you're able to configure the Windows Firewall settings.

If the above steps do not help, as a last resort solution (before attempting to reinstall the Service Pack), give the following commands a try:

2. Click Start, Run and type:

rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection Ndi-Steelhead 132 %windir%\inf\netrass.inf

The above command repaired most of the Windows Firewall settings. After running the above command, restart Windows and then run the following:

Cannot Open drive Automatically

One problem i encountered from my workstation at home is that my drive D doesn't open automatically when clicking it. I have done some investigation and found out that my machine was affected by a malware. Here are the actions I've done to restore the default functionality when opening any drives that was infected of such malware.


When I double click on the D:\ drive on my
workstation, it doesn't open automatically,
rather it starts the OPEN WITH menu and asks
Choose the program you want to use to open this
file: D:\ and gives a list of programs. I have to access the D: hard disk using windows explorer.


How to enable/reset Firewall settings via Registry

            There was this problem i have encountered with the firewall setting of one pc i am supporting. It is a Microsoft Windows XP machine. The problem of the PC is that, it cannot print to the network printer and cannot access shared drives. Upon checking the services, the windows firewall services has been disabled and i tried to enable it but it gives me an error. I would like to share the registry file i use to resolve this issue and enabled the firewall setting and hope it will help.

1. Open a notepad, and paste the the following command.